購買連結: https://www.gogobundle.com/latest/bundles/bundlem …
5 月, 2018
8 5 月
免費序號領取:Potion Explosion 及 The Fifth Ingredient DLC (Beta)
領取連結:https://account.asmodee.net/en/profile/betatests 領取方法:
7 5 月
IndieGala Monday Motivation Steam Bundle #48,前24小時3.49美金獲得12個遊戲
購買連結: https://www.indiegala.com/indiegala-monday-steam- …
6 5 月
免費序號領取:Overcast – Walden and the Werewolf
領取連結:https://www.hrkgame.com/en/giveaway/get-free-gam …
5 5 月
免費序號領取:Why So Evil + Why So Evil 2 + Brilliant Bob
領取連結:https://www.indiegala.com/store#giveaway 領取方法: